Camera and backpacking gear.

Curated Lists

I curated a comprehensive list of high-quality products that I personally purchased and have hands-on experience with. These recommendations are based on my own expertise and can be relied upon with full confidence.

Home, Auto, Computer

I like to make stuff, no I’m not that YouTuber, and I’m not Sam Tabor, but I do like to create. Going to try my best to document and help others.


Satisfaction Rate




Years of Experience

Welcome to NickKnows.org my site is filled with random thoughts and product recommendations. Follow my Projects page for things I’m working on around the house or on the old F150 Jim. I’m getting the family involved as an outlet other than Roblox to create, build and have a little fun.

★ ★ ★ ★

His passion for writing and dedication to quality content was evident in the amazing blog post. I highly recommend this blog to anyone in search of informative articles.

probably something my mom would say

Sharing my experiences, expertise, and ideas
with the world…right?

Authentic content

Skeptical perspectives
